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The seeds have barbs like Velcro, with
a hooked tip that clings to animals,
clothing and machinery. A mature
plant can produce 2,000 seeds. Seed viability is 1 to 3 years. Houndstongue is poisonous. Toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Houndstongue stop liver cells from reproducing. Livestock and wildlife may live up to six months after
ingesting a lethal dose. Cut or pull plants, and remove entire
root crown when plants are in the
rosette stage.


Scotch Thistle

Sever roots below the soil surface during the first year before the plant stores energy and in the second year before seed production. Mowing, chopping and deadheading stimulates more flower
production. Flowerheads must be collected, bagged, and disposed of or destroyed; seeds will mature and germinate if left on the ground.

Please let me know if you have seen other noxious weeds on the property and I can add them to this page!

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